domingo, 9 de novembro de 2008

Fun to Watch

Divertido, divertido, é ver as reacções dos mais ferozes neo-conservadores Americanos à vitória do Obama:

Game over. This wasn’t an election, it was an IQ test for the U.S.; and sadly we just failed. Here’s what happens when you dumb down America and media outlets shift from being news reporters to Democratic activists. This Socialist/Marxist is going to do so much damage in the next 4 years to this country. I’m never amazed by the stupidity of the masses.

18 posted on quarta-feira, 5 de Novembro de 2008 2:28:08 by alfadog (Hard to believe what is happening in this country!)

Game over. This wasn’t an election, it was an IQ test for the U.S.; and sadly we just failed. Here’s what happens when you dumb down America and media outlets shift from being news reporters to Democratic activists. This Socialist/Marxist is going to do so much damage in the next 4 years to this country. I’m never amazed by the stupidity of the masses.

18 posted on quarta-feira, 5 de Novembro de 2008 2:28:08 by alfadog (Hard to believe what is happening in this country!)

Sickening. I don’t think this will be the same country for my kids that I grew up in. There’s a lot of stupid Americans in this country.

47 posted on quarta-feira, 5 de Novembro de 2008 2:37:24 by Reagan is King (Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave.)

Podem ver a diversão aqui.


1 comentário:

RR disse...

Estás contente, pequeno demónio? >:)