Encontrei amor em grelhas de Excel.
Eu vi.
Eu sei.
PS: Só tu, Leo"nerd" :)
segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2009
sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009
I have to be rude, but FUCK!
Just watch this baby fly, she can supercruise!
I mean, she looks good, but she delivers, too
Supercruise, HOTAS, PIRATE infrared, and if anyone pisses her off, she got METEOR’s, and that big mean 30mm cannon
I mean, she’s European, she rocks.
She aint a big bird, but hell, she rocks
Just how she manuevres… oh yea
Those marketing guys, they market her well: “Nothing comes close” they say, and its true.
What else would I want?
An overpriced F22, that crashes more often on its own due to software glitches that the god damn Flyer I?
A MIG29, admitably hot on its own, but with a loss record so long that you cant write it on toilet paper? – Though I’d like to see those German Migs fly.
I got my typhoon and im happy
Bring in the bears or the eagles
I can take’em with her.
Just watch this baby fly, she can supercruise!
I mean, she looks good, but she delivers, too
Supercruise, HOTAS, PIRATE infrared, and if anyone pisses her off, she got METEOR’s, and that big mean 30mm cannon
I mean, she’s European, she rocks.
She aint a big bird, but hell, she rocks
Just how she manuevres… oh yea
Those marketing guys, they market her well: “Nothing comes close” they say, and its true.
What else would I want?
An overpriced F22, that crashes more often on its own due to software glitches that the god damn Flyer I?
A MIG29, admitably hot on its own, but with a loss record so long that you cant write it on toilet paper? – Though I’d like to see those German Migs fly.
I got my typhoon and im happy
Bring in the bears or the eagles
I can take’em with her.
Jesus Christ
ICLS landing, pitch black, foggy, rainy night, high winds, crossed
CV My life
That’s were I’m going to land, though its going to be hard
Can’t see jack shit
No LSO is going to be able to lead me in
Low on fuel, im on fumes
Bad timing for that, bailing out on these icy waters, I wouldn’t last long
SAR ‘copter wouldn’t find me in the night
Cant bail out
They always call in the damaged ones last
I cant complain, my damage isn’t thaaaat bad, minor ack ack shrapnel, APG71 is fried that’s all, not going to need it now, but hell, can you ever pick what’s around you? We always fly blind, for all that matters.
Turn the radar on, and you’ll get a SAM on you.
I fear for the other damaged ones, their my friends and I don’t want them to crash&burn
But some wingmen got lost, ill never find them
Got to line up the bird
No fuel
Miss the line, and ill have to bail out
I know were that leads me.
ICLS landing, pitch black, foggy, rainy night, high winds, crossed
CV My life
That’s were I’m going to land, though its going to be hard
Can’t see jack shit
No LSO is going to be able to lead me in
Low on fuel, im on fumes
Bad timing for that, bailing out on these icy waters, I wouldn’t last long
SAR ‘copter wouldn’t find me in the night
Cant bail out
They always call in the damaged ones last
I cant complain, my damage isn’t thaaaat bad, minor ack ack shrapnel, APG71 is fried that’s all, not going to need it now, but hell, can you ever pick what’s around you? We always fly blind, for all that matters.
Turn the radar on, and you’ll get a SAM on you.
I fear for the other damaged ones, their my friends and I don’t want them to crash&burn
But some wingmen got lost, ill never find them
Got to line up the bird
No fuel
Miss the line, and ill have to bail out
I know were that leads me.
The smoke, gasoline exhausted in a powerful engine, while air rushes through
Skimming the water
Travelling still, in time
Still in the air, you know, like seagulls do?
I banked left, and turned to my childhood
Clear weather, but a detail: The compuss stopped working
There was a yellow cloud in the sky, it was my oldest memory, being carried in a yellow baby bag
I climbed
Heading 90, angels 10
Skimming the water
Travelling still, in time
Still in the air, you know, like seagulls do?
I banked left, and turned to my childhood
Clear weather, but a detail: The compuss stopped working
There was a yellow cloud in the sky, it was my oldest memory, being carried in a yellow baby bag
I climbed
Heading 90, angels 10
quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2009
Power Corrupts, but we need the electricity
"If you believe in god, start praying
If you don't believe in god, you better start believing"
Uma frase feita genial, que me faz lembrar o quão inútil é o maravilhoso apagão mundial.
Ok, apagamos as luzes, vamos curtir o luar e depois.. e depois?
Impedimos o aquecimento global? Too late. Mesmo que apagassemos.. tudo, já é tarde, a quantidade de CO2 na atmosfera faz com o que o processo seja irreversivel.
Ficamos muito felizes com a nossa consciência?
Ah pois.. isso sim, se calhar.
E pronto
Sejamos francos.
Queremos energia poupar energia? E que tal simplesmente arranjar mais? Apostemos nestes gajos.
Queremos preservar as espécies? Bem, basta impedir a expansão dos seres humanos para àreas onde existem espécies que queremos proteger.
Radiação nuclear funciona para a criação de parques naturais.
Ai ai.
If you don't believe in god, you better start believing"
Uma frase feita genial, que me faz lembrar o quão inútil é o maravilhoso apagão mundial.
Ok, apagamos as luzes, vamos curtir o luar e depois.. e depois?
Impedimos o aquecimento global? Too late. Mesmo que apagassemos.. tudo, já é tarde, a quantidade de CO2 na atmosfera faz com o que o processo seja irreversivel.
Ficamos muito felizes com a nossa consciência?
Ah pois.. isso sim, se calhar.
E pronto
Sejamos francos.
Queremos energia poupar energia? E que tal simplesmente arranjar mais? Apostemos nestes gajos.
Queremos preservar as espécies? Bem, basta impedir a expansão dos seres humanos para àreas onde existem espécies que queremos proteger.
Radiação nuclear funciona para a criação de parques naturais.
Ai ai.
terça-feira, 24 de março de 2009
segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2009
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009
quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2009
Na minha mesa de cabeceira:
1 - Um Estranho numa terra Estranha, Robert Heinlen
2 - Da Guerra, Carl Von Clausewitz
3 - Charles Baudelaire, Edgar Allan Poe
4 - Genji Monogatari, Dama Murasaki
5 - The Spanish Armada, Jay Williams
Shitz, i need a second life or more time in this one (e sim, estou a exibir os meus gostos literários)
1 - Um Estranho numa terra Estranha, Robert Heinlen
2 - Da Guerra, Carl Von Clausewitz
3 - Charles Baudelaire, Edgar Allan Poe
4 - Genji Monogatari, Dama Murasaki
5 - The Spanish Armada, Jay Williams
Shitz, i need a second life or more time in this one (e sim, estou a exibir os meus gostos literários)
Here goes nothing:
Bem, validei, o livro que estou a ler há uma eternidade de facto tem mais de 161 páginas, aliás, tem umas quatrocentas..
E o que está escrito na página 161, linha 5 é o seguinte:
"- Mesmo se o que diz fosse verdade, doutor, o senhor não pode falar"
O livro é "Um Estranho numa terra Estranha" de Robert Heinlen´.
Descontextualizada, esta frase pode significar muita coisa. Acho que ficava bem num policial.
Agora é a vez da Filipa (sim, deixo tudo dentro do blog ihihihi) >:D
Vá à 161ª página do livro que estiveres a ler, e coloca o texto da quinta linha.
Depois vemos o que dá :>
Blame S.
E o que está escrito na página 161, linha 5 é o seguinte:
"- Mesmo se o que diz fosse verdade, doutor, o senhor não pode falar"
O livro é "Um Estranho numa terra Estranha" de Robert Heinlen´.
Descontextualizada, esta frase pode significar muita coisa. Acho que ficava bem num policial.
Agora é a vez da Filipa (sim, deixo tudo dentro do blog ihihihi) >:D
Vá à 161ª página do livro que estiveres a ler, e coloca o texto da quinta linha.
Depois vemos o que dá :>
Blame S.
segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2009
Esta notícia lança uma dúvida sobre os restantes factos sobre o Chuck, muitos alegadamente veríficados por cientistas, filósofos, padres, e restantes especialistas na matéria!
Esta notícia lança uma dúvida sobre os restantes factos sobre o Chuck, muitos alegadamente veríficados por cientistas, filósofos, padres, e restantes especialistas na matéria!
Oh shit
Acabei de me aperceber que não consigo escrever Shakespeare à primeira - Tive de recorrer ao google.
Por algum motivo, só escrevia Shackspeare! (com ponto de exclamação incluido)
Por algum motivo, só escrevia Shackspeare! (com ponto de exclamação incluido)
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven,
I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven,
I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
Not Funny
É completamente impossivel trabalhar hoje em dia sem acesso a uma rede partilhada.
Cheguei as 0900 e ainda não fiz nada de verdadeiramente produtivo, porque não há rede.
Já desencaixotei umas coisitas que estavam arquivadas da última mudança!
Cheguei as 0900 e ainda não fiz nada de verdadeiramente produtivo, porque não há rede.
Já desencaixotei umas coisitas que estavam arquivadas da última mudança!
Free Advertising
Se quiserem saber que filmes vale a pena ver (e ler umas críticas muito bem escrítas), basta irem ao seguinte blog:
De uma petite fille muito simpática e engraçada :)
Se quiserem saber que filmes vale a pena ver (e ler umas críticas muito bem escrítas), basta irem ao seguinte blog:
De uma petite fille muito simpática e engraçada :)
quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2009
Ende Neu
Across the Universe
A versão dos Laibach
Mais bonita que o original
... How our world changes ...
A versão dos Laibach
Mais bonita que o original
... How our world changes ...
“We should start getting scared”
O neurocientista Jonah Lehrer, autor de “Proust era um Neurocientista” (que vai ser lançado hoje em Portugal), esteve em Londres a promover o seu mais recente livro “How we decide”. No blogue dele publica uma pergunta que o interessou. Aqui está:
“Given the massive decision-making flaws exposed by the current economic mess, what variables should scientists be investigating in the future so that we can better understand how we got here? In other words, what will be the hot topic in decision-making science two years from now?”
Eis a resposta: “I think the financial crisis has helped expose a powerful bias in human decision-making, which is our abhorrence of uncertainty. We hate not knowing, and this often leads us to neglect relevant information that might undermine the certainty of our conclusions. I think some of the most compelling research on this topic has been done by Colin Camerer, who has played a simple game called the Ellsberg paradox with subjects in an fMRI machine. To make a long story short, Camerer showed that players in the uncertainty condition - they were given less information about the premise of the game - exhibited increased activity in the amygdala, a center of fear, anxiety and other aversive emotions. In other words, we filled in the gaps of our knowledge with fright. This leads us to find ways to minimize our uncertainty - we can't stand such negative emotions - and so we start cherry-picking facts and forgetting to question our assumptions.”
O neurocientista opina: “Why not bring in actual investment bankers and watch how they respond to varying levels of information, or how giving them a quantitative model that's supposed to assess risk (and thus remove the uncertainty) alters their decision-making process?”
A culpa não é dos modelos. Ele diz de quem é: “It's the fault of all those executives who used these models they didn't really understand to silence their amygdala, so that their fear of risk disappeared. They were certain there was little to worry about, which is generally a sign that we should start getting scared.”
segunda-feira, 9 de março de 2009
For dinner, I had chicken
Fried in the radiation of a Neutron Star
You know, there are good places to make barbecues in the universe.
We can start by that one, that black, burning neutron star, but the flesh of apples would crisp well if we set the maggellan cloud on fire
And it would burn so well, so bright
I will have dinner now
Fried in the radiation of a Neutron Star
You know, there are good places to make barbecues in the universe.
We can start by that one, that black, burning neutron star, but the flesh of apples would crisp well if we set the maggellan cloud on fire
And it would burn so well, so bright
I will have dinner now
Olhar por mim?
Adquiri uns produtos do Grupo Optivisão e olho para o slogan impresso no saco: "Gente que olha por si." Isto tomado mesmo, mesmo, à letra não me soa muito dignificante para o cliente.
sábado, 7 de março de 2009

Gosto de levar murros no estômago quando o assunto é arte. “The Wrestler” deixou-me de rastos, com uma valente hemorragia interna. Estamos ali por causa do Mickey Rourke, que naquele filme dá, de forma soberba, o couro e o cabelo (um longo e hipnótico louro platinado). Darren Aronosfky parece que goza connosco. Queremos logo ver a cara do Rourke e ele não deixa: nos primeiros planos, só o vemos de costas ou na penumbra. Quando finalmente encaramos “The Ram”, cada plano é penoso: vemos-lhe a cara intumescida, as mãos papudas de gigante, os olhos mortiços, o tronco colossal e tudo aquilo incomoda e fascina. Não se escapa à analogia do lutador com Jesus supliciado (põem-nos isso à frente dos olhos) e encolhemo-nos na cadeira perante o sofrimento deste Cristo “melgibsoniano”, não pregado, mas literalmente agrafado às mãos de um wrestler judeu.
Adoro o grão deste filme, a sua verdade e violência, o facto de sentirmos que aquele actor “está mesmo lá”, como diz a Go-Go-dancer. Aliás, o wrestler e a dançarina de clube de strip jogam bem. Cada um veste (ou despe) um fato. A exibição e o artifício fazem parte do métier, mas se para ela a vida está lá fora, para ele o ringue é a vida que vale a pena. A cena final é magistral. Fiquei KO.
quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009
The full throttle of seahorses
And in the outset of violence, herein I quote!
"And this is not my face
And this is not my life
And there is not a single thing here I can recognize
And this is all a dream
And none of you are real
And I'd give anything..
And I'd give anything.."
And thus the quote ends, the understanding so easy to aquire, but the meaning, ah the meaning!
Words are stones. They were stones in the past, and so they shall be in the future.
So let us cut the stones into statues of men of old, and the men that shall be.
And after the Storm, and after the cold, and that rain that soaked my until my bones, the warm wind indeed will come, and I will lay down in the sand, I will be the sand.
And in a thousand million years from now, the Sand will have turned into stone.
I will be a word, nothing more.
"And this is not my face
And this is not my life
And there is not a single thing here I can recognize
And this is all a dream
And none of you are real
And I'd give anything..
And I'd give anything.."
And thus the quote ends, the understanding so easy to aquire, but the meaning, ah the meaning!
Words are stones. They were stones in the past, and so they shall be in the future.
So let us cut the stones into statues of men of old, and the men that shall be.
And after the Storm, and after the cold, and that rain that soaked my until my bones, the warm wind indeed will come, and I will lay down in the sand, I will be the sand.
And in a thousand million years from now, the Sand will have turned into stone.
I will be a word, nothing more.
The Night Star covered in Fog.
And so I smiled, and reflected upon my old age.
So young, so young!
I have never been good reflecting about the quality of beer. I drink it, and I enjoy it.
And as I drown in my sweet beer, I feel life.
It is made out of barley, life.
Did you knew that?
I didn't.
All I ever known is that four carriers were lost, and with them, I too sank.
But I will not sink, for they must live.
They must live.
I must live, for my youth is old.
I do not have much time, anymore.
I wonder, when I sink, will the carriers sink with me?
So young, so young!
I have never been good reflecting about the quality of beer. I drink it, and I enjoy it.
And as I drown in my sweet beer, I feel life.
It is made out of barley, life.
Did you knew that?
I didn't.
All I ever known is that four carriers were lost, and with them, I too sank.
But I will not sink, for they must live.
They must live.
I must live, for my youth is old.
I do not have much time, anymore.
I wonder, when I sink, will the carriers sink with me?
The Harms of Undertow
I was searching for something.
A shell!
But I could not find a shell. Why would I need a shell, I asked myself. And the wind replied that I would know. When I found the Shell.
I found a shell then. I didnt know what to do with it. The wind did not said a word.
So I ran.
And as always, I outran the wind.
The cold morning wind, that used to cut my hands.
And my hands did hurt. But they became strong.
And I ran with my hands, far away, to a far away place, and in that place I wasn't afraid.
In that place, I am at peace.
I am in peace.
A shell!
But I could not find a shell. Why would I need a shell, I asked myself. And the wind replied that I would know. When I found the Shell.
I found a shell then. I didnt know what to do with it. The wind did not said a word.
So I ran.
And as always, I outran the wind.
The cold morning wind, that used to cut my hands.
And my hands did hurt. But they became strong.
And I ran with my hands, far away, to a far away place, and in that place I wasn't afraid.
In that place, I am at peace.
I am in peace.
There was a day the whole world went away..
... and the sky was still blue, but a painted blue, like a Picasso Blue, and there was the Old Man with the guitar.
The sun was warm, and frozen in the same place everyday, everyday nearly sinking into the ocean, but not quite enough
And there was sand. Clear, still, plain sand, bathed by that ocean that had ghosts and apples in it.
And indeed, the ocean had apples, instead of coral reefs, and an orange fish swam by, right in front of my eyes
If I had reached out my hand, I would have, I would have touched it.
But I let it go, and breathed. The air had the perfect temperature, you know, not to cold, not abrasively hot.
And so I sat in the sand, and the sand was hot, and I buried my hands and my feet in the sand.
The sun was warm, and frozen in the same place everyday, everyday nearly sinking into the ocean, but not quite enough
And there was sand. Clear, still, plain sand, bathed by that ocean that had ghosts and apples in it.
And indeed, the ocean had apples, instead of coral reefs, and an orange fish swam by, right in front of my eyes
If I had reached out my hand, I would have, I would have touched it.
But I let it go, and breathed. The air had the perfect temperature, you know, not to cold, not abrasively hot.
And so I sat in the sand, and the sand was hot, and I buried my hands and my feet in the sand.
In a state of enchantment
A butterfly flies through the forest rain
And turns the wind into a hurricane
I know that it will happen
’cause I believe in the certainty of chance
A schoolboy yawns, sits back and hits return
While round the world computers crash and burn
I know that it will happen
’cause I believe in the certainty of chance
And I believe
I can see it all so clearly now
You must go and I must set you free
’cause only that will bring you back to me
I know that it will happen
Because I believe in the certainty of chance
Sometimes at night the darkness and silence weighs on me. peace frightens me. perhaps I fear it most of all. I feel it’s only a facade, hiding the face of hell. I think of what’s in store for my children tomorrow; the world will be wonderful, they say; but from whose viewpoint? we need to live in a state of suspended animation, like a work of art; in a state of enchantment... detached, detached.
quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009
terça-feira, 3 de março de 2009
You Must Pay
Crise crise crise.
Toda a gente fala em crise.
Aparentemente uns banqueiros de investimento andaram a brincar aos activos de brincar, e a endividar-se sobre esses activos.. e geraram dívida.. que agora não podem pagar.
Isto toca-nos.
Sabem em quanto?
TU AI. Estás a ler isto? Tu meu caro, quem quer que sejas, deves 190.000 Dólares à economia como um todo (isso dá cerca de 160.000€) - Terás de gerar riqueza, tu e todos nós, nesse montante, para deixar a dívida mundial a zero. Ora, este valor é apenas gerado através do valor de Derivados que afinal são de brincar - podem somar este valor á dívida que têm para pagar o vosso carro e a vossa casa.
Mas é claro: A culpa, não é dos ditos banqueiros de investimento. É de alguém, mas não deles!
Toda a gente fala em crise.
Aparentemente uns banqueiros de investimento andaram a brincar aos activos de brincar, e a endividar-se sobre esses activos.. e geraram dívida.. que agora não podem pagar.
Isto toca-nos.
Sabem em quanto?
TU AI. Estás a ler isto? Tu meu caro, quem quer que sejas, deves 190.000 Dólares à economia como um todo (isso dá cerca de 160.000€) - Terás de gerar riqueza, tu e todos nós, nesse montante, para deixar a dívida mundial a zero. Ora, este valor é apenas gerado através do valor de Derivados que afinal são de brincar - podem somar este valor á dívida que têm para pagar o vosso carro e a vossa casa.
Mas é claro: A culpa, não é dos ditos banqueiros de investimento. É de alguém, mas não deles!
segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009
Get ready - set - all systems go!
Ok, eu já fui desafiado e respondi.
Agora desafio a minha amiga R:
Coloca nove frases tuas.
Três têm de ser mentira.
E passa a quem quiseres.
Agora desafio a minha amiga R:
Coloca nove frases tuas.
Três têm de ser mentira.
E passa a quem quiseres.
Sturm & Drang
Desafios têm de ser respondidos!
Nove Frases Minhas.
Três Mentiras
1 - Eu.. espetei um carro a 160km/h e não tive um arranhão. God loves me.
2 - Eu.. uma noite muito bebedo, fui vomitar ao quarto dos meus pais, com eles lá a dormir. O meu pai não chegou a acordar.
3- Eu.. tenho uma tatuagem grande no meu corpo. E muito gira. As babes gostam.
4- Eu.. estive agarrado, ligeiramente bebedo, ao dono da minha maravilhosa empresa (e grande do género big-in-we-sell-9-digit-numbers). E ele de facto deu-me um aumento.
5- Eu.. fiz a depilação das minhas belas pernocas. Era uma questão de vida ou morte!
6- Eu.. disse à Edite Estrela que ela tinha um "Handicap" Político. (ei, ela perdeu as Autárquicas..)
7- Eu..apanhei uma bebedeira tão grande numa discoteca do Porto, e fiquei tão famoso por isso, que hoje em dia o dono é meu amigo.
8- Eu.. de facto já andei de kayak.. mas teve de ser a minha menina a remar o caminho todo, que eu não me aguentava!
9- Eu.. de tanto bombar no concerto de NIN, dei um murro num gradeamento que parti dois dedos!
Good life, Godlike :D
Nove Frases Minhas.
Três Mentiras
1 - Eu.. espetei um carro a 160km/h e não tive um arranhão. God loves me.
2 - Eu.. uma noite muito bebedo, fui vomitar ao quarto dos meus pais, com eles lá a dormir. O meu pai não chegou a acordar.
3- Eu.. tenho uma tatuagem grande no meu corpo. E muito gira. As babes gostam.
4- Eu.. estive agarrado, ligeiramente bebedo, ao dono da minha maravilhosa empresa (e grande do género big-in-we-sell-9-digit-numbers). E ele de facto deu-me um aumento.
5- Eu.. fiz a depilação das minhas belas pernocas. Era uma questão de vida ou morte!
6- Eu.. disse à Edite Estrela que ela tinha um "Handicap" Político. (ei, ela perdeu as Autárquicas..)
7- Eu..apanhei uma bebedeira tão grande numa discoteca do Porto, e fiquei tão famoso por isso, que hoje em dia o dono é meu amigo.
8- Eu.. de facto já andei de kayak.. mas teve de ser a minha menina a remar o caminho todo, que eu não me aguentava!
9- Eu.. de tanto bombar no concerto de NIN, dei um murro num gradeamento que parti dois dedos!
Good life, Godlike :D
Socialismo Cientifico
Catastrophic Failure, so says BW
Bem, verdade seja dita: Aparentemente os críticos do Público são mais crediveis que os de Hollywood: Não entendo o hype do "Quem quer ser milionário", que de interessante só tem os primeiros 20 minutos.
A fotografia é boa, no entanto.
Ao nível do cookie de caramelo do Starbucks!
Falta ver o The Reader e o Wrestler, para avaliar os filmes de 2008 - Suponho que o Valquíria entra para os óscares de 2009, assim como A Dúvida.
In other news, o concerto de Rita dos sapatos vermelhos, foi mais um mini-concerto, senti-me defraudado :(
A fotografia é boa, no entanto.
Ao nível do cookie de caramelo do Starbucks!
Falta ver o The Reader e o Wrestler, para avaliar os filmes de 2008 - Suponho que o Valquíria entra para os óscares de 2009, assim como A Dúvida.
In other news, o concerto de Rita dos sapatos vermelhos, foi mais um mini-concerto, senti-me defraudado :(
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