sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009


I have to be rude, but FUCK!
Just watch this baby fly, she can supercruise!
I mean, she looks good, but she delivers, too
Supercruise, HOTAS, PIRATE infrared, and if anyone pisses her off, she got METEOR’s, and that big mean 30mm cannon
I mean, she’s European, she rocks.
She aint a big bird, but hell, she rocks
Just how she manuevres… oh yea
Those marketing guys, they market her well: “Nothing comes close” they say, and its true.
What else would I want?
An overpriced F22, that crashes more often on its own due to software glitches that the god damn Flyer I?
A MIG29, admitably hot on its own, but with a loss record so long that you cant write it on toilet paper? – Though I’d like to see those German Migs fly.
I got my typhoon and im happy
Bring in the bears or the eagles
I can take’em with her.

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